Bimonthly Medical Physicist and Engineer is a reviewed journal, indexed in Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Index Copernicus and BazTech. The published works are in the following categories: academic papers, research, case studies, review articles, reports, interviews, polemics, articles of socio-professional and professional specialization, technical reports and financial statements. The literature reviews object, book reviews and industry news are also published. The journal is edited by the editors of the paper and in the electronic version. The published works are in the following areas: diagnostics imaging, intervention diagnostics (treatment) electrodiagnostics, telemedicine, e-health, technical equipment and therapeutic, implants, artificial organs, medical transport, security, legal aspects, financing, organization and management of healthcare units, law and education. Users can publish articles from other fields, combining topics according to the profile of the magazine.
The submitted works cannot be published in other magazines. Each scientific work should contain the title, summary (up to 500 characters with spaces) and key words in Polish and English, as well as exact affiliation of all co-authors (e-mail and telephone contact of the first Autror). System work should include: abstract, introduction, chapters, ending. The literature referred to by the author should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text (not in alphabetical order) in square brackets, and in the list of literature in the way given below.
• Articles in scientific journals (please give full titles and official abbreviations of magazine names):
1. B. Szafjanski, G. Pawlicki, T. Pałko, J. Kosicki: Impedance plethysmography in the evaluation of peripheral blood flow in children, Pediatr Pol, 56 (10), 1981, 1131-1140.
meaning: the initial (s) of the name and surname of the author (ditch), the title of the article (italic), the title of the journal (preferred international abbreviation), volume no. (issue number), year of publication, page numbers. Instructions for Authors
• Books:
2. G. Pawlicki (ed.): Fundamentals of medical engineering, Wyd. OWPW, Warsaw 1997.
meaning: initial (y) name and surname of the author (trench), title of the book (italic), publisher, place and year of publication, possibly page numbers. Drawings and photographs (on separate pages, attached as separate files, marked with the symbol of fig and photo) should be numbered consecutively, with selection places in the text they should be in. Graphics (graphs, photographs) should be provided as files: * .pdf, or * .jpg with 300 dpi resolution.
Authors are not entitled to a fee for submitted works. In case of positive evaluation, the author will receive a free copy of the quarterly issue, where his work was posted. The editorial staff reserves the right to introduce editorial changes in published articles. All rights in relation to the texts printed in the journal are reserved.
Sending a work for publication is identical to transferring copyrights.
Published works become the property of the editorial office. Reproduction in whole or in fragments or translations into another language can only be made after obtaining the written consent of the editorial office.
Editors are not responsible for statements, opinions and data contained in submitted works or advertising materials. The editorial board reserves the right to improve the style and naming.
Works can be sent only in electronic form, in *.doc format, to the e-mail address: